Saturday, September 12, 2009

GCCO 9/11

The Greater Columbus Community Orchestra did a pops concert in Hilliard for a festival the town was having the weekend of 9/11-13. I was invited to perform with them as a substitute hornist. As a matter of fact, three of the four horns were subs as most of the regulars were unable to do the gig.

We did some music from movies (James Bond, Star Wars, Oklahoma, etc.) and television (Theme from Mission Impossible). We did some light classical (Light Cavalry Overture, and the slow movement of Dvorak 9, with a huge cut).

It went quite well and the audience seemed to enjoy it. I have had few experiences performing pops music with orchestras (though I've had many with bands), so this was a fun gig. I'd like to do another one sometime soon.